
Distance Learning: The mission of the Distance Learning Department is to provide leadership of the distance education program; provide excellent service to students, faculty, and staff; maintain the online learning management system; ensure quality and integrity within the instructional process; provide appropriate and secure access; and promote innovative methods to support and enhance teaching and learning.

中央卡罗莱纳技术学院的远程学习产品利用一种或多种技术向因时间或距离而与教师分离的学生提供教学. 这些方法可能包括使用电子学习管理系统在线和混合交付课程和/或网络或视频会议技术. 中央卡罗莱纳州的远程教育课程提供学生和教师之间定期和实质性的互动, either synchronously or asynchronously.

CCTC的所有远程学习课程都提供学生和教师之间定期和实质性的互动, either synchronously or asynchronously, 并提供与传统教育相同的学生学习成果. 应该指出的是,远程教育课程是推荐给那些拥有必要的技术技能和个人学习行为的学生的.

Online Courses: 在线或互联网课程使用我们的在线学习管理系统D2L进行在线教学. Online courses are designated by a “D” section. For example, ENG 101 D20 is taught online. An online section does not have a scheduled on-campus class. 你可能需要使用带有监考软件的网络摄像头和麦克风. 你需要计划好花大量的时间上网、阅读和完成作业. 您可以通过myCCTC或直接登录D2L访问在线课程.

Hybrid Courses: 混合课程是面对面会议和在线课程的结合. At CCTC, 最常见的情况是每周一次的课堂会议,结合D2L在线完成的其他课程组件. 混合课程在课程编号中以“H”表示. 例如,eng101h20既有校内组件,也有在线组件. 校内的日期和时间会印在你的课程表上. 你需要为课堂会议和大量的上网时间做计划, reading, and completing assignments. 您可以通过myCCTC或直接登录D2L访问混合课程.

Zoom Courses: Zoom课程由讲师使用Zoom在线网络研讨会软件授课. Zoom courses are designated by a “Z” section. For example, MGT 240 Z20 is taught using Zoom. 学生需要有一台能连接互联网的电脑(Mac或PC), a microphone, and speakers or a headset. Zoom classes are synchronous classes, 这意味着学生们必须在上课的时候参加网络研讨会. 讲师将在他/她的办公室授课,学生可以在任何有可靠互联网连接的地方参加, webcam, and headphones. 讲师将提供Zoom课程的链接,学生将点击链接登录会议. D2L将大量用于资源/文档的共享, testing, submission of assignments, online discussions, etc.

D2L Brightspace Orientation: D2L至少在开学前一周提供免费的入学指导课程. 新到学院的学生将参加D2L明亮空间方向, which shows the basics of using D2L.

Textbooks: 在线课程的书籍可以通过学院的在线书店或其他供应商购买. To purchase from the College’s Bookstore, go to http://bookstore.azarnewsonline.com. 从顶部菜单栏选择教科书,然后完成选择和订购过程. For specific questions about textbooks, 请致电803-774-3342或电邮至neiljm@cctech与书店联系.edu.

How to be a successful online student:

  • Manage your time. 把在线课程当作面对面的课程,为每门课程制定一个工作时间表. 你应该计划每周花6-8个小时在每门课程上——如果是一个为期8周的课程,甚至更多!
  • Read. You will have to read a lot in an online course. Read everything – multiple times – until it sticks!
  • Ask questions. 在“班级列表”中点击老师的名字,开始给老师发邮件. Check for the response in your myCCTC email.
  • Be proactive. Complete assignments early. 你永远不知道什么时候会遇到技术问题或其他问题,所以不要等到最后一刻!
  • Be persistent. Don’t give up if you can’t figure something out. Ask for help, but ask early. 不要等到某件事到期了,否则你会非常沮丧.
  • Be aware of attendance methods for the course. In an online course, you must actively participate. 你的出勤率是通过提交作业、参加测验、讨论等来衡量的. 在课堂上要非常积极,否则你将有因缺勤而被退学的危险.
  • Be a part of the class. Get to know your instructor and classmates. 如果你沉浸其中,你会从这门课中学到更多.
  • Enjoy! Take time to congratulate yourself on doing something great. You are gaining knowledge that will transform your life.

For special accommodations, contact:


Distance Learning

(803) 774-3389, ext. 389 or (803) 774-3343, ext. 343
